2022 the new book LERNORT: WERKSTATT by G. Grampp has been published.

Professional job training in workshops for people with disabilities is a demanding task. Every day, the specialists are faced with the challenge of implementing the requirements of the demands and of fulfilling their support mandate in institutions of disability assistance in everyday life .

This book introduces the framework of regulated learning in institutions of disability assistance and the different forms of digital learning and also takes a look at the practical implementation: Creation of learning units, development of a learning platform, vocational training at external workplaces and documentation of educational processes.
One chapter is dedicated to digital education for people with disabilities. The authors Doerte Ulka Engelkes and Bastian Thiedau describe the opportunities of digital participation using the example of the inclusive learning platform didab:

According to Thiedau & Engelkes (2022, 118ff.), all stakeholders have been aware of the “necessity of digitalization” since the pandemic. “The development of an infrastructure is the basic prerequisite for a meaningful use of digital education for people with disabilities.” In addition, there are “structures organized and orchestrated for the target group that clearly delineate didactically prepared topics and support them in enabling and promoting concentrated learning.” This means that it is indispensable to also create opportunities for inter- action within a digital learning offer (ibid.). An example of an implementation and thus of a tool that is oriented towards the educational wishes and needs of persons with impairments is provided by the digital learning platform “didab” (Thiedau & Engelkes 2022, 122 ff.), an offer of the gdw nord and in coproduction with audinfilm.

Gerd Grampp (Ed.). Lernort:Werkstatt. Basics, Structures, Instruments.

Published 2022 in Psychiatrie-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-86739-293-8