Video Portraits of the Winners of the Innovationspreis Niedersachsen 2018

Videoportrait Ministerium Medienproduktion Videoproduktion Filmproduktion Niedersachsen Göttingen Hannover Kassel Frankfurt Berlin

Innovationspreis Niedersachsen 2018 – Die Preisträger porträtiert von Dörte Ulka Engelkes – AUDINFILM

Cinematographer, visual ethnographer, media anthropologist Doerte Engelkes

Future Mobility Project of the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organisation

Video on the 1. Pilot Project of the MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organisation in Goettingen

A corporate video by film production AUDINFILM - Doerte Ulka Engelkes

Produced by AUDINFILM 2018. A corporate film by filmmaker Doerte Ulka Engelkes about the pilot project of the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self Organisation in Goettingen – Germany. “EcoBus. The Pilot-Start”