truffle hunt truffle hunt training truffle workshop Lagotto truffle dog truffle Thueringen

NEW EBOOK: Truffle Hunting in Germany

The New Multimedia Ebook:

Trueffel Suchen & Finden.

Das Große Multimediale Lehrbuch

Von Doerte Ulka Engelkes

With this ebook you easily learn truffle hunting in 4 workshops with 6 training videos, you learn all important issues on truffle hunting in Germany, its rules and legal situation, you learn all about those truffles which occur in middle Europe and Germany, and you learn all about the traditional truffle nation Germany with interviews of the last descendants of German truffle hunters. More than 150 fotos, films, illustrations and historical images tell stories about truffle hunting, truffle markets, the unique truffle dog university, and the first successful truffle farm M11 in Lower Saxony.

€ 29,99

ISBN: 978-3-00-058705-4

More information here

Get your digital copy here:

  • for iMac, iPad and iPhone